Are you ready to see some results?
We hear time and time again how hard it is to acheive weight loss as we age and I'm talking about even those of us in our 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. Our metabolisms have slowed down and we start to lose muscle mass, becoming less anabolic (think "reduced energy burning"). The weight gain accumulates around the mid-section and no matter what diet or exercise plan you adhere to, you can't lose a pound. Even if you were to eat one meal a day, your weight stays the same. Many patients just want to throw in the towel and give up!
But now we have a safe and effective way to combat the effects of aging: GLP-1 receptor agonists. These medications bind to the GLP-1 receptor increasing insulin secretion, decreasing glucagon secretion (stored glucose), and delaying gastric emptying. The results are that you are "full" longer and your appetite decreases. If you have ever struggled with emotional eating or "food noise" this medication stops that mental struggle and you will find yourself walking away from the dinner table after eating half of your plate. You won't have the urge to grab the chips, crackers or candy because the cravings are gone. The result? Your body will naturally respond by lowering your circulating glucose to healthy levels while the weight seems to disappear without any more struggle.
GLP-1 assisted weight loss isn't meant to be a stand-alone treatment, however. If combined with a commitment to cardiovascular exercise (this means getting off the couch and getting your heart rate up to 150-160 beats per minute for 20 or minutes at least 3 days per week), you will find that you can turn that snail-paced metabolism into a metabolic calorie-burning machine. Because that is the point, right? We need to get your metabolism back to where it was when you were in your 20s and could eat anything without gaining weight. GLP-1 meds like semaglutide (Ozempic) and tirzepatide (Mounjaro) do just that.
But unless you have diabetes or are morbidly obese, you would have to pay close to $1000 per month for these treatments. Integrative Family Medicine of Bend is proud to be able to provide these medications at around a quarter of the price and the proof of weight loss will be worth every penny.
What's included? After your initial consultation (prices vary on whether you are a new patient or already established) you will be able to order your first vial of GLP-1 medication (semaglutide or tirzepatide) which will be administered at home as a weekly injection (don't worry, the needles are SUPER small). If you aren't into injections, we also have the option of daily sublingual semaglutide which is a great option for many people. You will follow up with your physician each month to check in on your progress and trouble-shoot any side effects. You will also have the ability to communicate with your provider via the patient portal. At the 8 week appointment, we will strategize how we want to continue titrating your dose--keep going up or stay the same because of how successful you have been. We will then check in every 2 months for ongoing support and until your desired weight loss goals have been acheived. This might mean you are on the medication for 6-12 months depending on how much weight you have to lose. At that point, we will discuss a slow taper down to acclimitize your body to life without the medication. Our goal is that your metabolism has been sufficiently charged to take over without the medication. Many patients will continue with a weekly low dose of a GLP-1 med or what you may have heard as "micro-dosing". You could end up doing a low dose once monthly to continue to reap the benefits of GLP-1 agonists.
Other benefits of GLP-1 agonists:
Studies are ongoing and continually published about the other positive effects of these medications. Specifically, GLP-1 agonists are shown to decrease alcohol cravings and lower systemic inflammation. Patients will come in reporting a resolution of their chronic joint pain, less bloating, more energy, better cardiovascular performance. It is just remarkable how many positive outcomes we see from GLP-1 weight loss. We are so excited to offer this to Central Oregon and all you need to do is schedule your initial consultation and you are on your way to getting back to your best (and less) self!
Side Effects:
The most common side effects of GLP-1 peptides are heartburn, nausea and constipation. Rapid weight loss will lead to hair loss. Whether you already struggle with these or not, we will come up with a plan to mitigate them so the only effect you see is a lower number on the scale.
While we can't guarantee results, our experience is that most people are successful, and I mean VERY successful. If you have 20 lbs to lose, you might that you have acheived your goal in just a few months. Of course, if you have more to lose it might take a little longer but our goal is not necessarily rapid weight loss but slow and steady weight loss so your brain can adjust without feeling like it is in distress. We want your brain to say, "Hey, I can be 150 lbs, 160lbs, etc and don't need to slow my metabolism down because this is my new weight and it is healthy and fine."